December 2010

Trip to Disneyland to start the month off right!

Coloring after seeing Santa

It's a Small World

Nana and Ryan

Me and Jake
Ryan had all his "friends" set up to watch a movie on his DVD player for quite time :)

Next trip to Disneyland (we tend to go to Disneyland a lot in the winter time)
Me, Ben and Ryan

Joe and Cory

Nana, Papa and Jake
Ryan made a "Ginger Man" House

So my Mother-in-law wanted to get pictures taken of all the grandkids together... It was a good thought, but so awful to put together!!! The 3 older kids: Olivia(3), Ryan(3) and Eliza(22months) did great, but the 3 younger kids: Jake(9months), Zack(7months) and Tabitha(2months) did awful! They cried pretty much the whole time and when Jake cries his whole face gets super red and blochy!!! Not cute...

Ryan and blochy faced Jake


Eliza, Olivia and Tabitha

Ryan and Olivia

All the kids

Jake did not like Santa... Ryan LOVES Santa.
This is an awesome Santa! If you are ever in the San Marcos area around Christmas go see this house and Santa - they are across the street from the Richland Elementary School.
Christmas Eve

Christmas Day - by this point we had already opened presents at our house - gone to Shane and Melinda's for the Hoy's Christmas and are now at my parents house... Plus we had gotten to bed super late the night before... I needed a nap!

Dinner at Benihana's - One of my favorite Christmas traditions!!!

Testing out my new camera!

Missionaries had been teaching this kid Fernando for a few months now and they went home/transfered shortly after this. Fernando is the kid in front with the black leather jacket on.


Our friends - The Callands - were sealed together as a family! Awesome experience!

Party that night at Shane and Melinda's

Brett... Q

Wes, Bryn and Bernie! Miss you guys!
This completes Twenty Ten! Great year and looking forward to Twenty Eleven!