Tonight Ben and I saw Valkyrie. We both really like World War II movies and this one was great! We really enjoyed it! It, of course, is a bit sad, but it was well done. I would highly suggest this movie to anyone. Ben gave it an A- and I gave it 4 our of 5 stars :)
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Posted by Erin Hoy at 9:44 PM 3 comments
Labels: Movie Review
Jazz Hands!
So I finally got my Jazz dance class grade! I loved this class - I only missed 1 class (thanks to Shelly the nail bitter) and I really liked my teacher and classmates. I learned a lot, but unfortunately did horrible on my final! I was trying to be too funny and ended up forgetting everything I had planned about 8 counts into the dance :) Whoops! But today I got my grade and I feel good - Oh I feel so good! UH!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 11:08 AM 3 comments
Monday, December 29, 2008
So I have to admit that I did not think the Charger could pull this off!!! Ben was really excited about last night's game all week and I kept telling him not to get his hopes up! They had a HORRIBLE season (except for the game against the Jets - AWESOME and I was totally there!) Anyway- I did not think they could pull if off but low and behold last nigh they KILLED the BRONCOS (52 to 21)! I really hate Jay Cuttler (the Broncos QB) He is such a baby! Anyway - the Chargers seem to be peaking at the right time and I really hope they can WIN the Superbowl!!!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 11:50 AM 1 comments
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Merry Christmas!

Posted by Erin Hoy at 10:51 AM 7 comments
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas Eve!
Last Saturday we went to see Santa! We went to this house across the street from Richland Elementary School - if you haven't seen this house or Santa - drop all your plans tonight because he will be there from 6-8p and he is the BEST SANTA EVER! Probably because he is the REAL Santa. Anyway - Here are the pictures. Merry Christmas Eve everyone!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 11:11 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Funny Pictures of Ryan
I forgot to post these pictures... But I'm doing that today, even though I've got about a million and one things to do!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 10:30 AM 1 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
That's right, Ryan is now in nursery! His first Sunday was 2 weeks ago and he loved it! I, however, cried. I'm glad that he likes nursery and that he wants to go, but I'm so sad that he is getting so big! I miss my little baby that would sleep all day long! Oh well. Today when I took him into Nursery, Seth Guerrero (who is turning 3 next month and is super cute) ran over to Ryan and gave him a big o'hug! It was so darn cute! I didn't cry today but had to take a moment to remember to breath :) haha - I'm such a dork that it's really not even funny!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 4:45 PM 8 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
Let It Snow!
I don't like to be cold, however, when in Rome... Or in my case, Oregon :)
Posted by Erin Hoy at 7:22 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Pump It UP!
After the Pittock Mansion, we drove to Pump It Up. If you do not know what this is - please go to their website - I found out that there is one in San Marcos and I'm so excited about that!!! Anyway - it's this place with a bunch of inflatable things for kids (smaller kids - which I thought was really cool seeing as I have a young one myself) and they can slide, jump, and play!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 5:00 PM 6 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Pittock Mansion
There were a lot of scary mannequins like this one all over the place... they were all sleeping... and all of them terrified me!
The thing I liked most about this place was the gorgeous windows that had view of Portland. Someday when I get a house I want lots of windows all over the place (I also figure that by the time I have a house with lots of windows I will be able to afford a window washer) Anyway - I really enjoyed the Pittock Mansion :)
PS - Ashley - Please send me the picture of Kianoa (sp) and the Poinsettia... No one will think it's funny, but I will still laugh my head off!!!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 9:54 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Merry Christmas from Pro Pacific Pest Control
We took photos today for our Company Christmas Card and I think they turned out really freaking cute!
So Merry Christmas from your friends at Pro Pacific Pest Control (or Bee Removal)
(L-R: Ben, Ryan, Erin, Melinda, Olivia and Shane Hoy)
Posted by Erin Hoy at 7:14 PM 6 comments