Ryan went to cousin Oliva's house yesterday and got to play with her and all of her fun toys! Here a few pictures of the cutest babies EVER! :)
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Play Day with Olivia!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 9:30 AM 0 comments
Thankful Thursday

This week I'm thankful for technology - especially computers and cameras! How on earth did we survive before computers and digital cameras? I love the fact that I can view the pictures I have taken immediately. When digital cameras first came out I thought that it was silly! The quality wasn't great yet and I thought that the "art" of using film would never go away. I'm sad that it has a little bit, but digital quality is now so amazing and convenient and can be artistic in a different way.

So this was kind of a weird thankful Thursday, but I am thankful to live in this day of age. There are a lot of hard things we have to deal with, but we have so many conveniences in our life and I'm thankful for that!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 9:13 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Posted by Erin Hoy at 9:26 AM 3 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
The girls in the office decided this week that we were going to start our own girls club - seeing as I'm a sucker for girls clubs I was totally up for the idea. This got me thinking about things and I remembered I loved the book series "The Babysiters Club". It seemed like such a great idea. Then it made me think about the very first company I ever started... And let me tell you... I have started MANY businesses... Some legit like, City of Chocolate Fountains and I'm even a co-owner of Pro Pacific Pest Control... and some not so legit like Nerbyin and Exit Clothing. But the very first business I started was called "Pary in a Box'. My BFF Ashley and I started this business when we were about 12/13 years old. The concept was simple. We would plan your kid's birthday party for you - we were party planners! We had several packages to choose from - it was great. We had ONE customer - Thanks Melanie Sewell!
Happy Friday Everyone! Have a great weekend and keep on bloggin! :) Watch Juno...
Posted by Erin Hoy at 9:55 AM 1 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Thankful Thursday
This week I'm thankful for my jobs. I'm thankful that I'm able to work at Pro Pacific. I love the sense of accomplishment I feel and that I set my own hours so that I can also work my other job - my better job - being a mother! I love being a mom - even though Ryan is super grumpy this week because he is getting a new tooth. But I really do love every minute of it.
Posted by Erin Hoy at 9:11 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Get to know me... Thanks Ash
A-attached or single: Married
B-best friends: Ben, Ashley, Melinda
C-cake or pie: Yes...
D-day of choice: Saturday, but only Saturdays that Ben has off... otherwise I like Fridays.
E-essential item(s): chapstick, my wedding ring, my cell phone...
F-favorite color: Red
G-gummy worms or bears: worms
H-hometown: Tracy, CA
I-indulgence: Fried Ice Cream from Acapulco
J-January or July: July - love warmer weather, summer and now Ryan's birthday!
K-kids: One super cute baby boy
L-life is incomplete without: Ben and Ryan - the gospel
M-marriage date: October 15, 2005
N- number of siblings: 2 older 1/2 brothers
O-oranges or apples: apples
P-phobias or fears: spiders, snakes, tight spaces
Q-quotes: "What would you do if you weren't afraid"
R-reasons to smile: Ryan, rainy days, sunny days, vacations, friends, family
S-season: I like spring for blossoms, summer for fun weather and activities, fall for the changing leaves and cooler weather and winter for more days off with my hubby and Christmas :)
T-tag friends: Christy and Matt
U-unknown fact about me: I love doing artys, fartys crafts, but never get to.
V-very favorite store: Coach :), Gap, Old Navy, Macy's, Nordstroms Rack, Target
W-worst habit: Impatience and drive too fast
X-x-ray, ultrasound, or mammogram: Ultrasound
Y-your favorite food: I like all types of food so to just ask for one is unfair to me :)
Z- Zodiac: Taurus
Posted by Erin Hoy at 7:45 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 11, 2008
I missed it again!
UG! I can't believe that I missed Thankful Thursday again! GRRR! Well I'm going to cheat again and blog today - I'm thankful that my family is in good health and that we have a place to live. We watch American Idol Gives Back on Wednesday night and it really made me thankful for the things that I have! I've been complaining the past couple of months because I really don't like my condo and I want a house, but watching that show made me realize how GREAT I really do have it!
Also - if you haven't already - do try to donate to Idol Gives Back. I'm so impressed with the many different charites this money goes to. Not only does it help people in Africa battle the many diseases they have there, but it helps kids here in America too! I think that we/celebrites forget that there is work to do in our own country! I wish more people would focus on helping our communities become better places than worry about what's going on in other countries. With that being said - money that is donated to Idol Gives back will actually DO SOME GOOD in Africa and HERE in the Good o' USA! Download songs from the night - proceeds will go to Idol Gives Back or click here to donate!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 5:35 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Oh my word!
I changed my blog yesterday and somehow lost my friends links... GRRR! So I tried to find as many as I could, but I know I'm missing some... If I'm missing your please tell me so I can fix it! THANKS
Posted by Erin Hoy at 2:56 PM 1 comments
I can't believe that Ryan is 9 months old today!!! So in honor I will list my 9 favorite things about my baby boy!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 10:06 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
I chopped off my hair today! I really like it, but it's definitely going to take some getting used to seeing as my hair has always longer :) Sorry about the picture quality. These were taken with my camera phone because my camera is getting fixed :)
Posted by Erin Hoy at 8:03 PM 2 comments
Monday, April 07, 2008
Fun at Shane and Melinda's!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 9:20 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Fun Weekend in Utah!
This is Ryan growling :) GRRWOW!
The reception had a live Band and Ryan LOVES live music! Especially the drums! Olivia liked it too and Ben was more than happy to sit back and enjoy.
The cake was sooo pretty - I kinda want to get married again :)
Wes, Ben and Ryan - Ryan had such a good time with Wes, Brynna, Toreva and Susan - I miss them all already!
Had a ton of fun with Bryn - It was great to see her again and to hang out!
Olivia was all partied out!
Ryan was also all partied out! He had a good day!!!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 9:58 PM 2 comments