Cory and Lesley boxing it out! :) Just FYI - Ben beat me up.
Anyway - It was totally fun and I really want to get one, but Ben told me no... :( Maybe for Christmas!!! Only SIX MORE MONTHS!
Cory and Lesley boxing it out! :) Just FYI - Ben beat me up.
Anyway - It was totally fun and I really want to get one, but Ben told me no... :( Maybe for Christmas!!! Only SIX MORE MONTHS!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 8:22 PM 5 comments
On Saturday we went to Lake Tahoe with Lesley, Cory, Bri and Kris. It was a ton of fun. It was super hot so the cold water felt really good! I, of course, got sunburned but just on my legs because I remembered to put on SPF 50 everywhere else!!! :) Ryan sat in the water and splashed around for a little bit but the "sand" was small rocks and not super comfortable to sit on so that didn't last long.
But we all really did have a good time and the Lake was so pretty and crystal blue! Very fun!
Kris and Bri
Cory and Lesley
Ben Jamin
Posted by Erin Hoy at 9:36 AM 3 comments
We just got back from Reno and had a great time. We flew in late on Thursday night so on Friday, we had spent the morning with Lesley and Cory, but then they went to a wedding and we needed to get out of the house so off to Circus Circus we went! We figured that Ryan would enjoy it and he did! We let him ride a train and he loved that!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 9:28 AM 1 comments
4 places I go over and over again:
Pro Pacific :)
The Mall... to Ben's dismay
The Movie theater... to Ben's may??? :)
The d**** Gas station
4 people who e-mail me regularly:
My Dad
Ben - work related :(
more spam
4 places I would rather be right now:
Lake Tahoe ( going there in a couple of hours!!!)
Hawaii (not going there in a couple of hours :(
a Resort spa
a Cruise ship
4 people I talk to on a regular basis:
Work people
4 favorite places to eat:
Panda Express
Pei Wei
Cold Stone
4 shows I would watch over & over:
The Office
America's Next Top Model
4 people I tag:
Ashley Braun
Ashley Veater
Posted by Erin Hoy at 9:22 AM 2 comments
So I cried again! I don't know what's going on with me this season or maybe the dancing is just way better this year... in any case - this dance, by Chelsea and Mark, was my favorite and it makes me cry when I watch it... I think because it's a subconscious fear of mine that work will become more important than my family or that Ben will become a work-alcoholic (those who know Ben will know that he is a hard worker, but puts his family first) But anyway - like I said it's an irrational fear of mine :) But the emotion in the dancers is incredible and a fantastic dance! ENJOY!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 10:23 AM 2 comments
Posted by Erin Hoy at 10:14 AM 0 comments
Last Saturday we saw Get Smart. It was very enjoyable! It was a good o'fashion wholesome movie that was clean and actually funny at the same time. Steve Carell is of course HILARIOUS and the whole cast was pretty good. I really liked this movie and would highly recommend seeing it!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 2:04 PM 1 comments
Labels: Movie Review
Last night's show was pretty good. There were a lot of dances that I love and a few that I absolutely disliked! But one stood out again to me last night. I have never really gotten too emotional with the dances, but this one actually made me cry! The only other time I think I was close to crying was the Mia Michaels Bench route in Season 2 with Travis and Heidi - Mia won a Emmy for it in fact. Anyway - so the reason that this dance made me cry was because the Choreographers designed this dance for their daughter who became handicap at 20 months - lost all motor skills but her eyes will light up when she see movement - so they made this dance for her and it was extremely touching for me!!! Anyway - let me know what you think!
Here is the Mia Michaels' Bench dance is you want to see :)
Posted by Erin Hoy at 10:11 AM 1 comments
I want to eat my breakfast on something cool like this someday! It had tile flooring which was pretty cool too! And you can't see it but a cute little stream.
So I'm bummed that I didn't get to see the photography or the woodworking stuff, but OH WELL! There is always next year :)
Posted by Erin Hoy at 6:07 PM 4 comments
My parents are constantly filming Ryan! :) Ryan loves to watch his videos and will laugh and talk to the videos. He will even clap at the end :)
Posted by Erin Hoy at 9:51 AM 5 comments
Happy Father's Day to all the fathers! Ben enjoyed his first Father's day and I got him the raddest gift EVER! I got Ben and I tickets to the Monday Night Chargers game on Sept 22!!!! I am so excited and Ben is too! GO CHARGERS!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 8:43 PM 2 comments
Ben told me a couple of days ago about a new crime wave that has been hitting our country. People are now stealing gas out of other peoples cars! When he told me that I was shocked that it has now come down to STEALING because the gas prices are out of control. Now I am just mad... Ben called me this morning and to make a long story short - Someone put a hole in his gas tank of his truck and stole his gas. Luckily he didn't have much in there, but now we have a new problem to deal with - getting his truck fixed when we don't have ANY money! NONE! I'm getting more and more mad at our liberal government who don't EVER listen to the people... Don't even get me started on how in 2000 Californians voted that Marriage was between a MAN and a WOMAN, but now the California Supreme Liberal Court has rule against that - Now Homosexuals can marry each other, because once again the minority is MORE IMPORTANT than the Majority. Get your heads out of your butts you liberal monkeys and start doing some good instead of destroying my country!
In the mail the other day I received some gas saving tips that I thought were helpful so I'm passing them on to you. Hopefully this helps relieve some pressure at the pump.
1. Only buy gas in the early morning when the ground temperature is still cold. Remember that all service stations have their storage tanks buried below the ground. The colder the ground, the more dense the gasoline. When it gets warmer, gasoline expands, so buying in the afternoon or in the evening...your gallon is not exactly a gallon.
2. When you're filing up, do not squeeze the trigger of the nozzle to fast mode. If you look, you will see that the trigger has 3 stages: low, middle and high. In low mode, you should be pumping at a slow speed, thereby minimizing the vapors that are created while you are pumping. If you are pumping on the fast rate, some of the liquid that goes to your tank becomes vapor. Those vapors are being sucked up and back into the underground storage tank, so you're getting less value for your money.
3. Fill up when your gas tank is half full. The more gas you have in your tank, the less air is occupying its empty space. Gasoline evaporates faster than you can imagine. Gasoline storage tanks have an internal floating roof. This roof serves as zero clearance between the gas and the atmosphere so it minimizes the evaporation.
4. If there is a gasoline truck pumping into the storage tanks when you stop to buy gas, DO NOT FILL UP! Most likely the gasoline is being stirred up as the gas is being delivered, and you might pick up some of that dirt that normally settles to on the bottom.
Hopefully this helps...
Posted by Erin Hoy at 9:45 AM 6 comments
Last night was the top 20 performances on SYTYCD! It was a really good show with a lot of great dances, but one dance stood out as my absolute favorite routine! I don't really care for the girl's personality, but I LOVE the guy dancer! So enjoy the video! Make sure you watch all the way through for some awesome stuff!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 10:42 AM 1 comments
I am obsessed with gas prices! What on earth is going on?! Why did I just pay $27.00 and only get 6 gallons of gas? Why did I pay $4.55 per gallon? This is getting absolutely out of hand and there seems to be no end in sight. The Department of Energy thinks that gas prices will stay over $4 for the next year! Who can afford that? I know that I can't... I really don't know what we are going to do other than go no where other than work and home... The government likes to get their hands into everything so why aren't they relieving this problem? By the way - I'm totally uninformed when it comes to current events - I know this is incredibly stupid to say, but I rather live in my bubble that get so caught up in Politics! I was really into politics in 2004 during that election, but now I'm so afraid for our country... I don't know what to think anymore! But
speaking of government... LET'S START DRILLING IN OUR OWN COUNTRY! Let's stop being dependent on countries who have no values or morals!!! Let's start being self sufficient and stop crying like little babies... "Oh but let's not destroy our environment" Well then you can pay for my gas! I'm tired of liberal environmentalist and I'm tired of the majority in Congress being the Democrats! Stop screwing everyone over because you are concerned about the minority! JUST SHUT UP ALREADY! ((and this is why I don't get involved in politics... anyone who has seen me at Ben's soccer games can get the picture...))
Posted by Erin Hoy at 1:03 PM 5 comments
I'm in denial... There is no way that Ryan is 11 months and that in only 1 month he will be a year old! That is not possible! What happened to my little newborn baby?!? I love the things that Ryan is doing now, but sometimes I can't believe how the time has flown!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 10:24 AM 2 comments
Posted by Erin Hoy at 6:58 PM 0 comments
Melinda and Olivia
Me and Ry-Guy
It really was a great day! So nice to be able to get out and go do something fun! Next week... POOL PARTY!!!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 9:49 PM 1 comments