Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I have become a woman obsessed with GAS!

I am obsessed with gas prices! What on earth is going on?! Why did I just pay $27.00 and only get 6 gallons of gas? Why did I pay $4.55 per gallon? This is getting absolutely out of hand and there seems to be no end in sight. The Department of Energy thinks that gas prices will stay over $4 for the next year! Who can afford that? I know that I can't... I really don't know what we are going to do other than go no where other than work and home... The government likes to get their hands into everything so why aren't they relieving this problem? By the way - I'm totally uninformed when it comes to current events - I know this is incredibly stupid to say, but I rather live in my bubble that get so caught up in Politics! I was really into politics in 2004 during that election, but now I'm so afraid for our country... I don't know what to think anymore! But speaking of government... LET'S START DRILLING IN OUR OWN COUNTRY! Let's stop being dependent on countries who have no values or morals!!! Let's start being self sufficient and stop crying like little babies... "Oh but let's not destroy our environment" Well then you can pay for my gas! I'm tired of liberal environmentalist and I'm tired of the majority in Congress being the Democrats! Stop screwing everyone over because you are concerned about the minority! JUST SHUT UP ALREADY! ((and this is why I don't get involved in politics... anyone who has seen me at Ben's soccer games can get the picture...))

I don't like throwing my money away... and this is the worse possible situation of throwing money away! My Highlander has a screen that shows me how many MPG I'm getting... I have also become obsessed with getting my MPG's higher! I do all the tricks now, including: driving slower (those who know me know how hard this is for me and can therefore know how serious I am about this!), throwing the car in neutral on hills or whatever, using cruise control like my life depends on it, and lastly trying to keep my RPM's under 2. This might sound totally crazy, but hey it works. After getting gas yesterday, I didn't have a chance to go on the freeway and get my MPG's up, but using my tricks I was able to pull off a 21MPG - that's really good for my car.
I'm sorry that this blog is so angry, but I am angry! I have to work because we have too much debt, but as soon as that debt is paid off I can be a stay at home mom (even though I will probably still work 1 or 2 days a week) but these gas prices are just another way of postponing eliminating our debt. Why don't these big gas companies care? I don't understand... And because I don't understand I am angry. Hopefully this isn't hitting anyone else as hard as it has hit us! Good luck with gas and keep praying for our country... We need more faith (at least I know that I do) and we need strong leaders so Pray for our Country!


Kings said...

Its all about the civic :) jk, i know what you mean...even if i had a car that got 100 Miles to the gallon, i'd still be upset about gas prices. I'm with ya!

Kelli said...

Amen sister!

Anonymous said...

I FEEL you pain and I also have to add my "AMEN!"

Brett Simper said...

I agree Rad. Screw the middle east.

Brett Simper said...

I agree Rad. Screw the middle east.