Last night, Melinda Hoy, Collette Guerrero, Christy LaLanne and I went out for a wild night on the town! By wild I mean we went shopping and dinner and by town I mean San Marcos :) I had a great time and I hope the other girls did too! Here are some fun pictures from the night and unfortunately Melinda was the photographer and I don't have any of her :( But thank-you for taking the photos :)
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Posted by Erin Hoy at 8:50 AM 1 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Thankful Thursday #2
When I got into work today there was half of a cake sitting on the conference table. I was very excited about this... Let me back up... For a few months now, Melinda (my sis-in-law) has been taking a cake making/ decorating class and she makes FABULOUS cakes! Very yummy and very pretty. Usually she will bring them in the office so that everyone can eat it and usually I come in too late to get any, but today there was a half of cake left!!! And not just any cake... BANANA cake with BANANA filling! I LOVE BANANAS! So today I'm thankful for Banana cake and Melinda for making it and for my co-workers for not eating it all!!!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 12:35 PM 1 comments
Thankful Thursday
I love good Mexican Food. REAL Mexican food. Not the crap you get from Taco Bell, but REAL yummy stuff. So this week I'm thankful for this little Mexican food place called Taqueria. It is GREAT Mexican food and cheep! I love eating there every time we head up to Disneyland (the closest one is in Orange.) Also a big shout out to Ryan Huff for introducing Ben and I to this wonderful establishment :)
Posted by Erin Hoy at 10:17 AM 1 comments
Am I the Next ANTM?
This week on America's Next Top Model - the girls headed off to California Adventure to do a photo shoot in a phone booth.
Tyra: First up Erin. This week you had a photo shoot in a phone booth. How did you like it?
Erin: I actually really like it. It was great working with Ben Hoy as our photographer this week. I think he bring a lot of creativity to the shoot.
Tyra: Thanks, Here is your best shot.
Twiggy: Oh that is lovely
Mrs J: Giiiiirrrrllll, Look at those long legs.
Nigel Barker: I love the way the light captures your face. Can we get a close up?
Tyra: You really brought your A game to this shoot - YOU ARE FIERCE!
(So maybe I watch this show a bit too much???)
Posted by Erin Hoy at 10:00 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Wes Calland Sighting
Posted by Erin Hoy at 6:46 PM 1 comments
Memorial Day at Disneyland
And he and Daddy said OoooooHHhhhh
We waited in line to ride the bug ride that spins and Ryan thought that was boring...
But then he got kind of scared of the ride...
We watched the Pixar Parade...
And we saw Lightening McQueen...
And we touched some stuff...
And we saw some other cool stuff...
And we also saw Mator...Then the parade was over and Ryan was really tired...
But we made him take a family picture anyway :)
And he really didn't want to...
We really did have a fun day - It was nice to have the day off to play and do whatever we wanted too! :)
Posted by Erin Hoy at 6:21 PM 3 comments
Fun Times!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 6:17 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Movie Review - Iron Man
After seeing the previews on TV for Iron Man - I was not interested at all. The movie looked liked your typical comic book movie and I was not looking to see another dumb film! I waste enough money at the movies! I only want to see quality films now!!!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 2:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Movie Review
Saturday, May 24, 2008
TAG! I love blog tag :)
How to play this game of tag. Post these rules on your blog.
List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names.
3 Joys...
1. Spending time with my family on a beautiful warm, sunny day!
2. Seeing my friends
3. A Clean house
3 Fears...
1. losing someone I love
2. failing as a mother
3. being stuck in our condo for the rest of our lives
3 Goals...
2. Get in better shape
3. Figure out a way to be home more with Ry
3 current obsessions/collections...
1. Big A.. Coach bag
2. McDonald's Sugar cookies
3 random surprising facts about yourself...
1. I really do enjoy working at the office
2. One of my favorite times of the day is when Ryan first wakes up in the morning and wants to snuggle for a bit :)
3. I can't wait to get a REALLY BIG HOUSE WITH A RAD FIREPIT :)
Tag your it!
Brooke Hershey
Posted by Erin Hoy at 11:40 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 23, 2008
Flashback Friday!
I saw an article online yesterday for the 2010 CAMERO! It is beautiful! I remember a few years ago when Chevy first unveiled their plans for the new Camero. I was so excited. I've wanted my own Camero for as long as I can remember!
Cameros have been in my family a long time too. My dad had a '68 Z28, '78 Z28 and an '88 Z28! Unfortunately the '88 was stolen. It was a gorgeous car and it was very sad when it was stolen... I loved my Dad's '88 Z28 - Always wanted one of my own to race around!!!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I'm SOOO Excited!!! Here's a little taste from last year :)
Did I also mention how much I love NEIL AND DANNY!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 1:49 PM 0 comments
Thankful Thursday - SYTYCD!
Tonight is the season premiere of SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE and I'm thankful for that! This is my absolute most favorite show ever and I'm glad that Idol is FINALLY over so that SYTYCD will start. This show is WAY better by the way than Dancing with the Stars - which sucks compared to SYTYCD. Every year Ben and I go to the tour as well and it's GREAT! I love watching incredible dancers doing incredible dances! I can't wait for SEASON 4! I can't wait for cute dancers and I can't wait for amazing dances and YEAH!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 9:39 AM 2 comments
American Idol
The first year I watched American Idol religiously was season 5 - That was the season that Chris Daughtry was a contestant. He was clearly the best contestant and was the predicted winner - and he should have been. He was amazing on the show! The BEST one. However, he was voted off on MAY freaking 10th (my birthday!) I didn't watch the show after that. It didn't matter though because he still made an incredible record that has done way better than most of the winners! I watched a little bit last year, but no one was really great in my mind - although I do like Jordin Sparks. But this season I got into it again...
Posted by Erin Hoy at 9:24 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Book Tag
1- Get the nearest Book to you, or one you’re reading that contains over 123 pages.
2- Go to the 123 page.
3- Find the 5th sentence.
4- Post the 5th sentence.
5-Tag five people.
"He kept imagining his parents getting a telegram that he had been killed or lost in action, and Dad and Mom going to visit Whisper to break the news to her."
I tag:
Anyone else... :)
Posted by Erin Hoy at 7:01 PM 0 comments
Tuesday Tell All - One Word
1. Where is your cell phone? purse
2. Your significant other? creative
3. Your hair? Amazing
4. Your mother? charitable
5. Your father? compulsive :)
6. Your favorite thing? BLOGGING
7. Your dream last night? relaxing
8. Your favorite drink? Pepsi
9. Your dream/goal? House
10. The room you're in? Ryan's Bedroom
11. Your children? bestest
12. Your fear? snakes
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Happier
14. Where were you last night? Guerrero's
15. What you're not? fit
16. Muffins? blueberry
17. One of your wish list items? NYC
18. Where you grew up? tracy
19. What you read last? Book
20. What are you wearing? shorts
21. Your TV? Great
22. Your pets? fur
23. Your computer? New
24. Your life? good
25. Your mood? ok
26. Missing someone? ASHLEY
27. Your car? Clean
28. Something you're not wearing? Shoes
29. Favorite Store? Target
30. Your summer? HOT
31. Like someone? Benjamin
32. Your favorite color? florial
33. Last time you laughed? Today
34. Last time you cried? Saturday
Posted by Erin Hoy at 6:52 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
Movie Review
Posted by Erin Hoy at 11:42 AM 0 comments
Sunday Night
Ben, Ryan and I had a busy Sunday as usual. After church we went to our friends, the Westbrook's, house and had dinner - which was yummy. Then we went swimming in their pool. It was the first time Ryan went swimming in a real pool! He really enjoyed it too! He did not, however, enjoy going under the water :) He really liked the spa! He had a great time - the only problem was Ryan only had about a 30 minute nap that day... so we left the Westbrook's at about 8:30 - they only live about 1 minute away, but Ryan was out by the time we got home!!! He even stayed asleep as I changed his diaper! That was about the funniest thing ever and of course I got NO pictures from the day...
Posted by Erin Hoy at 9:42 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Fun Filled Friday!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 9:42 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Thankful Thursday - Parks
Last night for Mutual the kids played a game at Woodland Park - which is like the ONLY park in San Marcos and it happens to be just right down the street from where I live. It's a pretty cool park and it was fun to push Ryan on the swings and let him go down the slide! It also reminded me of how much I loved parks when I was younger! I don't know what it is about them but they are GREAT! Unfortunately I'm totally LAME and didn't take any pictures of Ryan having fun! I really need to learn a lesson from Ashley and my Dad and take my camera everywhere (well the camera was in my car...) and take pictures of EVERYTHING!!!
Posted by Erin Hoy at 9:50 AM 3 comments