Friday, August 15, 2008

Ah Crap!

So I jumped on the Twilight bandwagon on Monday night... I really didn't want to be part of the "Twilight" crowd because it seems so trendy, but dang it! The book was really good! The first part was a bit slow for me - but necessary to introduce the characters, but I started the second half last night and couldn't put it down until I was finished! And it was really good... DANG IT! I jumped on that stupid bandwagon head first and now I'm stuck on it!

I'm excited for the movie - but whoever the guy is that is playing Edward - not cute! I'm really bummed about that. Edward needs to be EYE CANDY and this guy doesn't even have a cute voice... The guy that plays James is more attractive, I think.


Kings said...

that is so funny. that is exactly what i thought when i saw the preview. i want edward to be hot...not 10 yrs and pasty white :)

Anonymous said...

Sucker!!!! HA! HA!

thinkHP said...

but it's the COoooooool thing to do :) hahaha. welcome to the band wagon!!!!!

and i agree... HELLO... where's the hottie? they couldn't find a better edward than THAT? what's hollywood coming to?

Arica said...

i too wasn't satisfied with robert pattinson casted as edward, however.. after reading the whole series, i feel confident that the director knew what she was doing. and if stephenie herself says that him and kristen stewart are magical together, i'll take her word for it. :) ..go edward!!

Ashley said...

I SO agree with you that he doesn't look anything like Edward should look. You know who I wish they had? Hayden Christensen. Now THAT is a good Edward!!!!