Ryan is having such a hard time sleeping which of course means no sleep for me and I'm not ok with that. Last night he woke up at 3am... I yelled at my husband to help me at 4:45am and after Ben tried to get him to sleep for a while I finally got him to go to sleep about 5:45am - as soon as I put that sucker down he started screaming!!! I'M TOO TIRED FOR A SCREAMING BABY! :) About 2 minutes after I picked him up again, he threw up ALL over me, the blanket and himself... He was much happier after that and I again win the worst mother and wife award for not handling the situation better! Any suggestions on how to handle not sleeping would be warmly welcomed. :)
navy curtain panels
4 years ago
Oh my goodness, you are not giving yourself enough credit. That is just crazy for me to even think about being up that much at night. You are doing great! -- If i was a mother I'd give you advice, but I sure don't have the experience yet. :)
I'm in the same boat you are, Mia has alway slept great, and when she doesn't I don't usually handle it very well. You said in a nearlier post, Ryan wasn't sleeping, and then you figured out he as teething. I did the same thing once, now when ever she wakes up at night, which is rarely, I go into her room with some tylenol, I figure the only reason she is awake is because she is in pain. It works for Mia. You and I can share the worst mother award.
Ohhh I feel for you! Kirsten has never woken up much in the middle of the night, at least not since she was really tiny, but I think having a baby throw up all over you and then having to clean it all up is the absolute WORST thing about being a parent! You poor girl! It has happened to me plenty of times too.
Are his back molars coming in? That was the worst for Mason, he slept like 3 hours that night, and not all at once. Todd and I were both yell for each other. It is hard when you are sleep deprived and stressed because you can't get your kid to calm down. You are doing a great job as a Mommy, don't be too hard on yourself.
I am pretty bad, too! I just give my kids tylenol and make them go back to sleep. If I don't get enough sleep then I am worthless for the whole day afterward, and then everyone suffers.
The best thing to do is to have a comfy chair (Monty Python reference?) in his room, so you can cuddle him and relax at the same time. That always seemed to work for me. Or it could be teething; plain old ice in a mesh bag worked like a charm. But if he threw up on you (poor girl! Baby throw up is seriously the worst stinkiest stuff on earth!), than tylenol and maybe a bath. But try the chair first and save yourself some trouble!
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